Tatalot Improves Your Real Estate Sales & Client Management

Tatalot Improves Your Real Estate Get Buyers

Our service finds interested real estate buyers, improves customer engagement, and shortens sales cycles.

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Real Estate Investor
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Real Estate Agent
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Already used by the following companies.

Check Out Our Features

Helping developers grow their business


AI-Powered Audience Targeting

Pinpoint your ideal audience for higher conversion rates.

Precision Targeting

Increased Conversions

Time Savings

Improved Engagement

Relevant Leads

Personalised Outreach

Get Buyers. Sell Efficiently. Manage Clients

Pay for Results

Traditional marketing avenues like billboards, newspapers, social media campaigns, and real estate marketing platforms can rapidly deplete your budget without guaranteeing results.

We offer a smarter, more sustainable solution. With our performance-based model, you invest directly in outcomes, not promises.

Experience a cost-effective way to connect with buyers and watch your business thrive—you only pay when real results are delivered.

Maximise ROI

Reduce Marketing Risk

No More Forgotten Prospects

Bid farewell to the chaos of juggling buyer information across multiple platforms. Our integrated system ensures you never miss an opportunity again.

With all your customer details centralised in one place, our platform alerts you precisely when to engage, guaranteeing that no opportunity slips through the cracks.

Say goodbye to leaky buckets and hello to seamless, efficient follow-ups. Keep your focus where it belongs—on nurturing valuable buyer relationships.

Customer Management Software

Higher Conversions

Automation and Artificial Intelligence at Your Service

Embrace the power of automation to handle the heavy lifting, while our advanced AI delivers insights that deepen your understanding of customer behaviour.

Focus your energy on strategic actions that drive real impact, and trust our platform to manage the rest. Streamline your operations, unlock new opportunities, and elevate your business with technology that works tirelessly for your success.

Increase Efficiency

Better Decision-Making

Tatalot is most suitable for

Real Estate Investors

Efficiently find buyers, reduce costs, and optimise marketing for properties

Real Estate Developers

Effortlessly attract buyers, cut costs, and boost marketing efficiency.

Real Estate Agencies

Expand your reach, generate more leads, and close more sales

"Tatalot has revolutionised the way we connect with potential buyers. Their innovative platform has helped us streamline the process of finding interested buyers for our real estate projects.."

Daniel Taiwo

Fortmeade Design

Interest Verification

Manage your leads and customer interactions seamlessly with our integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system. Stay organised, track communication, and nurture relationships to drive sales.


Learn more about Tatalot

How does Tatalot work?

Tatalot streamlines your real estate sales by funneling potential buyers directly into your dedicated customer management system. Here, AI technology enhances your selling process, helping you close deals more quickly and efficiently.

How can I sign up?

To access a wider pool of potential buyers and our advanced customer management system, reach out to us directly. Simply email info@tatalot.com or complete our contact form. Our team is ready to assist you in setting up your account and getting started on your journey to more efficient and effective real estate sales.

What are the benefits?

You'll get direct access to interested buyers and an easy-to-use system to manage them. Enjoy lower marketing costs and better customer relationships. With us, you'll sell faster and deal with less hassle, keeping your focus sharp on the buyers that matter most.

Is Tatalot available globally

Yes. Tatalot serves a wide area, offering services at the moment in selected African and European countries. If you're interested in whether we can cater to your specific location, please reach out to us directly.

How can I contact support?

Just email info@tatalot.com or complete our contact form

Get in Touch

Get in touch with us and learn more about how we can help you

123 Sample St, Sydney NSW 2000 AU
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